Peterson and Andersen discuss Trump campaign in The Washington Post blog
Professor David Peterson and Assistant Professor David Andersen discussed differences in the poll results reported by the Iowa State University/WHO-HD poll and other polls reported nationally in a post to The Washington Post blog.
Peterson and Andersen are part of an Iowa State collaborative team working on a two-part polling research project, which published the first set of results on Nov. 25. Those results favored Ben Carson as a Caucus favorite for Republicans and Hillary Clinton for Democrats.
In their Dec. 7 post, they discuss the difference in their sampling that resulted in a significant difference from other poll results, and about the likelihood of Trump winning an election.
The collaborative Iowa State team includes faculty in the Department of Political Science, the Department of Statistics, and the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication. The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the previously named departments, the Office of the Vice President for Research, the Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women, and WHO-HD are funding the research.