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5 ways to “survive” Thanksgiving break


About this time every fall, students start craving a home-cooked meal and a week off of classes. Just when we need it, Thanksgiving break arrives and all is well! During this week off you’ll be tempted to sit on the couch and accomplish nothing, fight that temptation and try one of these activities instead:

1. Break out the books – That’s right, it’s break so you should obviously study! Sarcasm aside, finals are less than one month away. Use this week to catch up on reading, outline your final paper or get a head start on study guides!

2. Work it out – Get out there and get some work experience! Apply for a seasonal job to work towards your financial goals. Arrange a job shadow to gather some experience and learn more about your field of study. You can even start your job search early by creating a list of companies you’d be interested in applying with and updating your LinkedIn profile!
I’ll be working extra hours at my internship over break to save money!

3. Be a lifelong learner – There are some things that you simply cannot learn in class because there’s not enough time in the day! I’ll be spending part of break learning how to use Google Analytics through online webinars. If there’s something that you’ve been interested in learning more about, use this time to do it!

4. Say thank you – In journalism 201 class our professor taught us that a hand-written thank you note means more than any email ever will. Use this time to reach out and say “thanks” to your advisers, professors, student organization members and professional contacts. This week, I’m writing thank you notes to every faculty member I work with, because I couldn’t make it to graduation without their help.
I try to use professional looking stationary for my thank you notes.

5. Relax – In between all of these productive activities, take time to rest. As a student it’s easy to get burnt out. When you don’t get enough rest you risk getting sick, forgetting commitments and feeling down – things none of us have time for this time of year! Get 8-10 hours of sleep each night, eat healthy foods and just take care of yourself!

Posted by: Sarah Curran