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LAS hosts lecture on healthy habits


The ISU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences will host a lecture “Health-Related Habits…Scientifically Speaking,” presented by Dr. Alison Phillips, on Monday, Nov. 30, 2015 at 8:00pm at the ISU Memorial Union, in the Sun Room. The lecture is part of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Dean’s Lecture Series.


Falling into unhealthy habits seems easy – especially around the holidays. Developing healthy habits, however, is considerably more difficult.

As our nation faces an obesity epidemic, it’s important to understand the most successful strategies to building healthy habits. Dr. Alison Phillips, an assistant professor in the Department of Psychology and the Director of the Healthy Habits Lab at Iowa State University, will discuss the definition, components, mechanisms, and measurement of “habit,” particularly related to medication adherence and regular exercise behavior. The link will also be made to consumer habits (brand loyalty) and risky habits, such as smoking or gambling..

Dr. Phillips earned her PhD in Social Psychology from Rutgers University, in New Jersey, in 2011. She was an assistant professor of Applied Social Psychology at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C., for two years before coming to Iowa State University. She studies doctor-patient communication, patients’ perceptions of chronic illness, patient self-management of chronic illness, and healthy habit development.

There is no cost to attend the lecture.

“Health-Related Habits…Scientifically Speaking”
Presented by Dr. Alison Phillips
Monday, Nov. 30, 2015
8 p.m.
Sun Room, Memorial Union