Sept. 18 and 19: ISU Carillon Festival 2015 and Midwest Regional Carillon Conference
Guest carillonneurs for the Festival are Julianne Vanden Wyngaard of Grand Valley State University, Michigan and George Gregory of Central Christian Church, San Antonio, Texas. On Saturday, they will perform a program of carillon music for two players, and host a seminar about how to play duet music on the carillon.
The opening concert on Friday at 5:30 p.m. will feature a collaborative performance over advanced network. Performers will be connected via a low latency audio visual streaming system, which allow musicians to perform together in real time in two separate venues. Performers for the opening concert include Tin-Shi Tam, ISU University Carillonneur, a percussion ensemble from the New World Symphony at Miami Beach, Florida, and ISU student brass quintet. A panel discussion about this technology will be held at 7:30 p.m.
As part of the Carillon Festival, a Carillon Composition Competition was held to encourage the writing of original carillon compositions by young composers under age 35. On Saturday at 10:30 a.m., composers from The Netherlands, North Carolina, New York, and Illinois will participate in a composers forum (a video conference) discussing writing music for the carillon, the fun, the challenges, techniques, and do and don’ts.
All events will be webcast LIVE. Schedule of the festival-conference and link to the webcasts are available here.