Oct. 2: Applications/nominations for Associate Dean due
The college invites nominations and applications for two leadership positions in the college.
The college is looking to fill the position of Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies. We are looking for a full professor with a passion for promoting research and scholarship across all scholarly fields represented in the college. Please review the notice of vacancy for more details about the position. If you would like to discuss the position or would like to nominate a colleague, please contact Dean Beate Schmittmann at schmittb@iastate.edu. Applications will receive full consideration if received before October 2, 2015. The college expects to name the new associate dean in late October, to succeed Associate Dean Marty Spalding in January 2016.
The college is also looking to fill the role of LAS Equity Advisor (EA). This person will be the college’s equity representative to the ISU ADVANCE Program. She/he will chair the college’s diversity committee and work with all units in the college to ensure a supportive environment where everyone feels welcomed, respected and safe. This part-time appointment is compensated and should ideally be for three years. Please send nominations or expressions of interest to Dean Beate Schmittmann, schmittb@iastate.edu, by September 15, 2015. The college expects to name the new EA by September 30, 2015. More details can be found here.