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Syllabi expectations, deadlines


Fall Syllabi Collection, Deadlines and Student Learning Outcomes

Since Fall 2014 LAS has collected 3300+ undergraduate and graduate syllabi to provide as evidence of our compliance with federal regulations concerning workload per credit hour earned and with Higher Learning Commission (HLC) standards. This effort continues for Summer and Fall 2015. Expectations for the syllabi include: each syllabus identifies Student Learning Outcomes; there is a consistent set of outcomes for all offerings of a given course (including online sections); and outcomes are phrased in a way that facilitates assessment.

Due dates for all fall syllabi with learning outcomes: August 28.

Please review your syllabi and revise as needed to support clarity for students enrolling in our courses and to help in the accreditation review process. Send your department’s designated collector an electronic versions of your syllabi as soon as you can and no later than the dates above. Each department has a system in place for their collection process; you can help staff in your department by sending your file using this naming format:

Designator_#_Instructor Name_Semester. [e.g. for Summer: PHYS_241_2_Ogilvie_SS15; for Fall: MATH_143X_C_McNicholl_F15]

The accreditation team will be requesting and examining these syllabi in September and October. An accreditation team will visit campus November 2-3, 2015. Thank you for your help in preparing LAS for its part in the accreditation review.

Questions may be directed to your department chair, Associate Dean Amy Slagell (, or Stephanie Hamilton (