Register to attend the Stupka Symposium
Together with the Roy J. Carver Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, the Stupka Undergraduate Research Symposium planning committeeare is pleased to announce the upcoming 10th Annual Stupka Sympossium, scheduled for April 10th and 11th, 2015.
This is an event designed to encourage the interaction between students and faculty over the topics of research in biological and chemical sciences.
Because this is the 10th anniversary edition, a unique agenda in celebration of the past 10 years is planned. Please note that the event will have a Friday/Saturday schedule, allowing additional events for students as well as permitting the return of BBMB alumni as participants and speakers.
The Stupka Symposium is entirely organized and run by the undergraduate students in the Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Agricultural Biochemistry areas of study. This event was the inspiration of Rob Stupka, an undergraduate student majoring in biochemistry at Iowa State University. Rob tragically lost his life in the fall of 2005 before he was able to see the first symposium and the result of his work. The symposium was dedicated to Rob and this annual event now bears his name in tribute.
Please take the time to register and plan your participation in this memorable event.
Registration is free and required. Go here to register.
Poster submission form. Poster submission deadline is March 23, 2015. Send to