Feb. 16: Faculty Development Workshop
Faculty Development Workshop: “Tenure and Promotion – Best Practices and Expectations”
February 16, 2015
302 Catt Hall
3:40 – 5 p.m.
Each year the LAS deans meet with faculty who are interested in the Promotion and Tenure (P&T) process and the expectations. Dean Beate Schmittmann and associate deans Arne Hallam, Marty Spalding and Amy Slagell will be present to give you an overview of the P&T process and to answer any questions you might have. The promotion and tenure process can be stressful for those being reviewed, and we would like to provide information that can ease the tension and help you be proactive about your process whether it is a couple of years away or right around the corner. Please feel free to stop by, have a cookie, join in the discussion, and clear up any questions that have arisen about this important event in the career of all academics. Though focused on faculty who will go through P&T in the next two years, all probationary faculty are invited to attend.
RSVP to Laura Wille (lge@iastate.edu) by Feb. 12 and include questions you would like the deans to address during the workshop.