Internal Funding Opportunities – Deadlines approaching
The Center for Excellence in the Arts and Humanities (CEAH) sponsors opportunities for faculty to pursue internally-funded research. Please visit website for complete information.
Planning Grant
Letter of Intent due 5pm, Thursday, January 15, 2015
Full Proposal (by invitation) due February 12, 2015
Planning Grant RFP and Guidelines (PDF)
Planning Grant Application (DOCX)
List of AAU-recognized Agencies (Excel)
CEAH invites proposals from associate and full professors for support in creating competitive applications to prestigious awards, fellowships, and grants from funding agencies recognized by the Association of American Universities (AAU) Projects must be focused to meet the expectations and review criteria of a specific AAU-recognized funding agency, and should build on an already established body of creative or research-related scholarship that is ready to form the basis of a competitive application. Awardees are expected to work with the CEAH and Office of the Vice President for Research in the process of drafting and submitting the applications.
Research Grant
Application deadline: 5pm, Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Research Grant RFP and Guidelines (PDF)
Research Grant Application (DOCX)
The CEAH provides grants for research and creative activity that will make a significant contribution to the scholarly development and academic career progression of faculty in the arts, design and humanities. Projects should employ predominantly artistic and humanistic approaches and have outcomes clearly falling within the arts and humanities disciplines.