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LAS Curriculum Committee updates


LASCC Website: The LAS Curriculum Committee maintains a webpage of helpful information and links to central university resources for curriculum. You’ll find the Spring 2015 Memo as well.

General Education Updates: If you know of a course that should be considered for the 2015-16 General Education List, please work with your department’s curriculum committee to submit the course. The deadline for requests is Friday, March 13, 2015. The 2014-15 LAS General Education List is posted online.

2016-17 Catalog Preparation: Catalogs are updated in two stages. The first stage is course-level updates (course additions and deletions, title changes, changes in pre-reqs, etc.); this stage takes place this semester for the 2016-17 Catalog. The narrative/masthead updating stage for the 2016-17 Catalog will take place during Fall semester 2015. Questions/suggestions may be directed to the chair of your departmental curriculum committee.

Experimental Course Process and Deadlines:
• All proposals must be submitted electronically through CIM-X. See the LASCC website for guidance.
• Summer 2015/Fall 2015 Experimental Courses: For guaranteed review before registration period, proposals must be ready for review by the LASCC by 5PM on February 17, 2015; proposals received after this deadline will be reviewed in the order received. The LASCC suggests submitting Fall 2015 proposals no later than March 10, 2015. (Fall registration begins March 23, 2015.)
• Questions regarding preparation of proposals may be directed to Stephanie Hamilton (4-6471) or the LASCC Cluster Area Approver for your designator.