5 Ways to Have a Productive Semester Break
Semester break is upon us! Even though we all know the first few days of break will be spent sleeping, eating and binge cuddling our pets, it’s important to make sure something gets accomplished over break. Here are the best tips from LAS friends and faculty for how to make your break productive:
1. Apply for jobs, internships, and scholarships. Students and faculty agree that if you’re not filling applications out over break you’re putting yourself at a disadvantage. Check out CyHire for job and internship postings!
“Breaks are great because they give you the opportunity to accomplish things without school getting in the way. I find breaks are a great time to fill out scholarship applications, internship paperwork, and other applications I don’t have time for when I have homework or tests to work on.”-Kyle Henry (Senior, Psychology & Management)
2. Volunteer. It goes without saying, why not donate some of your time when you have so much of it over break.
One of my favorite volunteer experiences was making dinner at the Ronald McDonald House with some friends!
“Volunteer! Ring the bell for the Salvation Army, contact a local Soup Kitchen or Homeless Shelter, find a Ronald McDonald House, etc.” -Elizabeth Lennartson (Junior, Meteorology)
3. Become an LAS Ambassador! Are you a student with a major or minor in the college of Liberal Arts and Sciences? Do you LOVE your college? Then why haven’t you applied yet?
Cy and I think that LAS Ambassadors are #1!“I think the BEST use of your time.. is to apply to be an LAS Ambassador. Applications are due January 5th! Contact me with questions or to receive an application- dawest@iastate.edu” -Dylan West (Recruitment Specialist, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences)
4. Stay committed to your club/extracurriculars/student organizations. Keep up the hard work that you’ve been putting into a club or other student organization! Semester Break means no classes, which means more time for you to plan out your group’s spring schedule.
Szumei, a member of Dance Marathon Exec, with a Miracle Child.“Due to my involvement in various organizations during the semester, there are still many things to be done and people to contact for those organizations. By continuing my involvement with these organizations while on break, it is easier for me to restart with class and involvement when I get back to campus.” -Szumei Leow (Junior, Biology & Psychology)
5. Try something new! Dare to dream friends, four weeks off of classes means 672 hours to grow as an individual. Education is about so much more than reading and taking tests, it’s about becoming a well-rounded person!
Catt Hall will be lonely over break.
“Learn something new—the banner on the front of Catt Hall describes the LAS College as your “Foundation for Discovery; an Education for Life.” Learn to ski or skate or get a new app for your phone or better yet, find a grandma who could teach you how to knit—make yourself a scarf!” -Kathleen Houseman (Recruitment Coordinator, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences)
I actually will be learning how to ski over break! I know, “pics or it didn’t happen.” After break I’ll be back, probably with some cool photos of me on my butt in the snow. Have a great break everyone!
Posted by: Sarah Curran