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Monday, Dec. 8: SP@ISU event


SP@ISU Workshop: Broadening Participation in STEM as a Broader Impact of Faculty Research

Monday, December 8, 2014
10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Memorial Union Sun Room

If you are interested in increasing the participation of underrepresented groups, such as women or ethnic/racial minorities, as part of the broader impacts of your research, then this workshop is for you! SP@ISU is hosting an event intended to educate current and future faculty of opportunities available as simple extensions of their work or in collaboration with programs on campus.

There will be two morning sessions, lunch and two afternoon sessions covering a variety of events. Attendees can participate in any number of the sessions offered. The first morning session will provide guidance about diversity and inclusion data that will strengthen their broader impacts plan. The second morning session will highlight specific college and university programs that faculty might partner with to achieve participation goals. Afternoon sessions will describe the best practices for creating an inclusive environment in a research group and in the classroom to help students achieve success.

See full agenda.

Register for the event.