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Cody Maxwell’s motivation to get involved helped him have the ‘best summer ever’


Cody Maxwell chose the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Iowa State University for its endless possibilities. With so many major options, extracirricular activities, and ways to meet new people, this sophomore is making the most of his adventure.

Name: Cody Maxwell
Major: Interdisciplinary Studies/Criminal Justice
Year: Sophomore

What led to your decision to choose ISU?
Iowa State was a clear choice to me when choosing a school because of the endless possibilities that I have here. The feeling that I got the first time I visited campus was like nothing I had experienced on any other campus visit. Ultimately, I knew this would be a great place to spend the next four years of my life. The people are friendly, campus is beautiful, and you can really feel the passion that everybody has here for our great university.


Why did you choose to major in interdisciplinary studies?
I chose my major based off of what I wanted to accomplish after my time here at Iowa State. I have always had an idea of what I wanted my future life to be like, but I could never choose one career that would make me happy. Criminal Justice seemed to be the best fit major for what I want to accomplish in life, whether it be in the military, or public administration which are the two areas that I have narrowed it down to.

What extracurricular activities are you involved in?
When I came to Iowa State I was motivated to get involved so the first thing I did was join the floor council of my residence hall. There, I was able to plan social events for my floor while getting to know the 50 guys that I lived with. I also participated in two intramurals my freshman year, flag football and broomball, which were both a blast and a great way to stay active through the craziness that is college. I also have recently joined Dance Marathon and I am looking for to getting involved with that. On top of all of that, I had the honor of serving as a 2014 Cyclone Aide and had the best summer ever while welcoming over 6,000 new students to Iowa State.

What do you love most about being involved with Destination Iowa State?
As a Cyclone Aide, we got to be involved in the behind the scenes planning of the event, so the best part was to see all 5,200 students who participated come and enjoy the event knowing we played a key role in its execution. No other university has an event like Destination Iowa State for their incoming students, but to know that here at Iowa State we value the success and happiness during such a big life transition is something we all should take pride in. It is truly a once and a lifetime experience for all who are involved.

What is a standout course that’s impacted your experience?
My most favorite course I have taken thus far would have to be University Studies 315, which is a leadership seminar class for the incoming Cyclone Aides. I think what made it so special was the fact that it was a course geared towards learning anything and everything there is to know about Iowa State, and also the fact that I had the chance to take it with a small group of friends that are just as passionate about Iowa State as I am.

How does what you’re studying fit into long term career goals?
My long term career goals are to be involved with government intelligence or some sort of public administration. Criminal Justice has always interested me and is a great way to become more familiar with how our country is governed. I have also considered a double major in Political Science or International Studies in order to broaden my understanding.

What’s the most fun campus event or tradition you’ve taken part in?
My most favorite event on campus would definitely be the football games in Jack Trice Stadium. I love the atmosphere of all the students, alumni, and other Cyclone fans when singing the fight song and cheering on the team.

What’s your favorite spot on campus?
Curtiss Hall. The lecture hall in Curtiss was where my first Iowa State class was held and I love the atmosphere in there. What makes it even better is the new cafe in the basement of Curtiss, which makes it the ultimate study spot.

What’s your favorite app?
My favorite app – which is saying a lot because I completely despise my smartphone – would be Twitter. It’s a great way to keep up to date on not only my friends but also the world and important news. The only downside is it’s an easy distraction in the middle of class.

What would make the world a better place?
“As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person” is one of my favorite quotes by Paul Shane Spear. I believe in being a global citizen, and that means getting out and exploring the world. The more everybody can experience and appreciate other cultures, the better our world would be.

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