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Announcing Borlaug Student Poster Competition


All ISU graduate and undergraduate students are invited to submit a poster abstract for presentation at the 13th annual Norman Borlaug Poster Competition, October 13, 2014.

Students are encouraged to enter poster abstracts in the general area of world food issues. Submit your poster title and an abstract or summary (250 word limit) to Breanna Wetzler ( by Monday September 29, 2014, to be considered for this competition. Abstracts should contain: hypothesis and objectives of project; methods; results, discussion of results; conclusion, relationship of poster to world food issues.

Up to 20 abstracts will be selected as poster finalists in the competition and eligible for prizes. Finalists will be notified by October 6, 2014 if their abstracts were selected. Students are responsible for poster printing and may submit work previously presented at other conferences.

Abstracts will be judged on the following:
1. Content and organization including overall content, logical presentation, clarity of expression, punctuation, and title.
2. Apparent quality and importance of research to world food issues including techniques and experimental design if appropriate, if topic is current, innovative and provides better understanding
3. Presentation and explanation of materials and methods
4. Presentation and explanation of results that are scientifically sound to explain results
5. Conclusions including soundness, supported by results, concise, precise, adequate and appropriate
6. Clear description of the relationship and linkage of the study to world food issues.

The public is invited to see the posters during a reception on Monday, October 13, 2014, 7:00 -8:00 pm before attending the 2014 Norman Borlaug Lecture, set to begin at 8:00 pm in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union.