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From the Dean: Spring 2014


Dear Friends of LAS,

We are ready for spring! It’s been a long, cold winter in Iowa, but the campus is buzzing with energy and excitement: the recruitment season for new faculty members is in full swing.


In his installation address, President Steven Leath promised to hire 200 new faculty in his first two full years on campus. LAS had already planned for a very active hiring season, and with nine additional positions supported by new resources from the President’s Initia- tive on High Impact Hiring, we are searching for 35 new colleagues. Across all colleges, well over 100 searches are currently in progress.

We are very excited by the excellent academic credentials and the enthusiasm of our ap- plicants, and look forward to the energy and creativity they will bring to our classrooms and research programs. In order to attract the very best people, we work hard to put together competitive offers. In today’s world, we compete with every leading university for top talent, requiring significant investment.

For example, a young scientist may need up to one million dollars in startup funds from the college to launch an internationally competitive, successful new research program. In return, this scientist will help students gain a highly sophisticated education and a competitive edge for the work environment of the future. Her discoveries will enhance the academic reputation and visibility of the university, and with their bright and innovative ideas, she and her students may even launch the next technology revolution, creating thousands of new jobs.

Many versions of this story unfold every day at the leading research universities of the world, including Iowa State University and the College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Thanks to your support for our research programs – through named faculty positions designated for new hires, scholarships for graduate students, or funds for equipment purchases – we can recruit outstanding fac- ulty and launch their programs. With your help, our proud tradition of discovery and innovation continues, benefitting Iowa, the nation, and the world.

Let me thank you for your support of our stu- dents, our programs, and our next generation of star faculty. Your support means more to us than you could ever imagine.
