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April 3: Don’t miss the 2014 Stupka Symposium (with video)


The Ninth Annual Stupka Symposium is entirely organized and run by the undergraduate students in the Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Molecular Biology areas of study. This event was the inspiration of Robert John Stupka III, an undergraduate student majoring in biochemistry at Iowa State University. Rob believed in the power of research allowing extraordinary to be possible and strived to connect students and faculty for the purpose of scientific investigation. Rob tragically lost his life in the fall of 2005 before he was able to see the first symposium and the result of his work. In 2006, the undergraduate symposium was dedicated to Rob and this annual event now bears his name in tribute. The symposium works to promote student-professor interactions and facilitates opportunities for students to learn how to thrive in the academic and professional communities. Keynote speakers from around the nation are brought in to share while their knowledge and passion for the sciences. Undergraduate students who show exemplary research and a rigorous drive for success present their research during the symposium. The poster session is open for all students wishing to present and share their studies. The event is open to all who share in the curiosity and wonder of science and research.

Watch the video.