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Christiana Langenberg’s short story, “Pearl,” featured in Huffington Post


“Pearl,” a short story written by Iowa State’s Christiana Langenberg, has been published in a recent edition of Huffington Post. Langenberg, an advising coordinator for Iowa State’s English Department, advising coordinator for Iowa State’s Women’s and Gender Studies Program, and adjunct senior lecturer for Creative Writing Courses, said the story was her contribution to “9/11 Fiction.” It was featured in Huffington Post’s Featured Fifty Fiction blog. Read the story here.

Langenberg is the author of the bilingual collection of stories Half of What I Know. Her second collection of stories, Here is What You’ll Do, was a finalist in the 2010 Flannery O’Connor Award for Short Fiction. She is the recipient of the Drunken Boat Panliterary Award for Fiction and the Chelsea Award for Short Fiction and a multiple Pushcart Prize nominee. Her stories have been published in Glimmer Train, Dogwood, New South, Lumina, Storyglossia, Drunken Boat, So To Speak, Literary Salt, Carve, Chelsea, Green Mountains Review, American Literary Review, and a variety of literary formats.