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Greenlee students earn National Collegiate Effie Award


Three Iowa State University seniors from the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication have won the National Collegiate Effie Award for their campaign, “Less is More,” which they pitched to the Heineken Strategic Marketing team last week.

Brianna Schwind, Jonathan Kormann and Megan Eischeid earned the first place prize in the Heineken USA PSA Challenge for the 2013 Collegiate Effie competition. The competition challenged students to create a consumer engagement campaign that would encourage Heineken consumers to drink responsibly.

The students created their multimedia campaign as part of a project in the ADVERT 436 Portfolio class taught by John Thomas, a lecturer in the Greenlee School.  They returned to Ames with the $3,000 first place prize.

The Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication is an academic unit in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Read the full story here. 
