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2013 Tall Grass Prairie Workshop at Iowa State May 16-17; deadline to enroll is April 8


We invite you to enhance your teaching and engagement with sustainability issues by participating in the second Tall Grass Prairie Project on May 16 and 17, 2013.

The Tall Grass Prairie Project is modeled after well-established projects at dozens of colleges and universities across the nation, aimed at bringing an innovative approach to curricular change and provide faculty with an intellectually stimulating and collegial experience.

Are you thinking about developing a new course or new modules in an existing course? This is an opportunity for you to evaluate how to incorporate aspects of sustainability into your course. The workshop will explore how we can meaningfully integrate the environment – broadly defined – into our classrooms and give opportunities to interact with other faculty with similar interests. Although we will start by taking a close look at ISU and the Ames region, we invite participants to engage in local/global comparisons as well.

Participants will have opportunities to extend research and teaching horizons across disciplines and create new networks with fellow colleagues. They will receive a honorarium of $500 from the Senior Vice President and Provost Office. The SVPP Office requests that their department or College provide $500 professional development funds to match their contribution.

If you are interested, please submit a short, up to one-page description of how you plan to change an old course or develop a new one to:
Patsey Reilly ( (and cc Cinzia Cervato and John Miranowski ).

Deadline: April 8, 2013

Tall Grass Prairie Project participants agree to:
1. read some material prior to the workshop
2. participate in the 2-day workshop in May 2013
3. commit approximately 3 weeks during the summer to prepare a syllabus for the affected course or courses and submit it in August
4. report back to the group in an August field trip and spring follow-up meal

We look forward to hearing from you,
Cinzia Cervato and John Miranowski

Information about the 2012 workshop